March 5, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House


“Me and u”” featuring Ghanaian superstar Sarkodie has been Dencia”s phenomenal hit. This morning, she graced  CRTV “s break-fast show “Hello”” looking feline, sparkling with stunning outfit . Hey ! Dencia didn”t get on the show without her pet dog. She surely adores her pet. Dencia has been spotted on other interviews with her dog. During “”Hello” ,  she performed her hit single “”Beri

Beri”” , fascinating the audience with incredibly sexy choreography. An excited  fan sent this text message during the show “”This girl definitely makes a man happy. Which kind temptation this . Great music”.

If you didn”t follow, NexDim got a glimpse of the interview with Njie Mbonde Albert and gathered this excerpt;

NJIE MBONDE :When you talk about coming home , I am very traditional , how much do you still remember of village life

DENCIA :To be honest with you it”s not something I have really experienced .I have been to the village probably two times in the whole of my life, and that was when my Pa died, when we went to do the ceremony. I was young, about 9 or 10. I don”t have much to remember. But I attended secondary school in North West region , so I can remember Bali, coz I attended CPC, I can remember Progressive , coz I went there. I can remember the city not really the village.

NJIE MBONDE : I hope that after making it big in the US, you are doing a recollection of your roots. So how has it been , Have you spent a great time in Cameroon ?.

DENCIA: I have been here for a week or so for a tour . Unfortunately, we didn”t do Douala and  Yaounde. Working doing the shows and making it better. It”s  been cool. I spend most of my time at home . I don”t go out that much. I stay indoors to rehearse.