February 17, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

New Miss West Africa Cameroon 2012 to be crowned?


buy cialis no prescription8604_o” src=”http://nexdimempire.com/wp-content/uploads/177690_482562778431269_979648604_o-150×150.jpg” alt=”” width=”150″ height=”150″ />After having survived customary allegations that she obtained her crown by trading unholy favours with event organisers, Miss West Africa Cameroon 2012 winner Enjeck Josette might be the one finally throwing her hard – won crown away. Information gathered indicate that the Miss has this far failed to live up to her pageant obligations, failing to show up at events where she is expected. Yesterday again she failed to show up at a press conference organised in Buea, this was the third time. This attitude, we learn, has aggravated a fraction of the organising committee who are contemplating the extreme sanction : stripping her of the crown. While this nascent saga is yet to reach this climax, we can imagine that those who came in second and third might be excited with the prospect of making a surprise return to pageant glory and represent Cameroon in Sierre Leone this December during the international finale. The next press conference will hold in 2 weeks and if she is a no-show again then maybe a new Miss West Africa Cameroon will be crowned.