March 26, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Music: Jovi’s H.I.V. album finally drops

For fans and critics alike, the wait is finally over. Jovi’s highly- anticipated debut album H.I.V. – Humanity Is Vanishing- is now available. The album can gotten from The 13-track album is not only a manifestation of the guy’s talent but also an ode to everything Cameroonian e.g pidgin English etc. By launching his album on such a widely- recognised platform, Jovi has not only made his music available worldwide, he has also jumped on the modern train of distribution that is the internet. While this release will enable fans to ravenously  indulge their prolonged craving, it will equally enable critics see whether the artist is  legit or is just a one-hit wonder whose bloom will fade away. Whatever the case, it hoped that this release will compel the artist to come out of hibernation and make himself more available through interviews and performances.