September 17, 2024

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

BLACKTRIANGLE previews debut single ''#KONGOSSABED''

BlackTriangle today released a video previewing their highly anticipated debut single   “#KongossaBed” (Featuring Ojonery, A.C.E., Arré Rhyme-Z & Ghost) produced by Simo Jandie. The video directed by William Takor, features excerpts of verses from Ojonery and Arré Rhymes-Z. Apparently, the single is set to be released officially in October with a mega lis

tening party. The rumour is, this red carpet event will be hosted by Buea. The song appears to be a certified hit with an extremely catchy chorus reminiscent of songs like “Dami Duro”, ''Thriller'' ,“Oliver Twist”, you name it. The preview of the song starts at the 4th minute of the video.


