February 28, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Mony Eka hit "Un jour" gets an all – star hiphop remix

Apart from endless radio and club plays, smash hits have one distinct trait: there are the subject of countless remixes, covers, renditions and what have you. This is the case with Mony Eka“s smash hit “Un jour“. But contrary to standard practice, Mony Eka went about the remixes all by himself. I say remixes because he remixed the song six times, making an album out of one track. Of all the remixes, the most interesting is the one featuring an all star crew of  Cameroonian urban music heavy-hitters like Franky P, Stypak Samo, Boudor, Duc Z, Alberto Les Clés, Karnatox and Jay N not forgetting Mony himself. Just the line up is

enough to whet one”s appetite so enjoy this musical meal.