March 7, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

"Je fous la pression" : Big B-zy's latest

As one of the forerunners of Cameroon's hip-hop movement, Big B-zy deserves godfather status. His love for rap dates back to the early 80s. For his first solo album in 2001, he collaborated with various and diverse artists like Lady B and Charlotte Dipanda. Despite being very quiet in recent years, the artist has returned to the musical scene with a fresh new track. “Je fous la pression”  is pure vintage Big Bzy; posturing, boasting and what have you. It's not his best but the video quality is a little better than what we've

been accustomed from him. Some would say he's not as sharp as he used to be but cut the guy some slack, the game's gotten tougher and staying  top-dog is no mean task. However the guy from Deido is still in rap shape. See for yourselves.
