February 11, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

FRESH VIDEO: Numerica ft Prosby – Ca dit Quoi (by MAKCONCEPT)

R&B sensation Prosby garnered fame and a huge fanbase after dropping ”Mboa Girl”. He is currently one of the most sought-after artist. Numerica was so smart to get him on this song ”ca dit quoi” which is a high-tempo coupe-decale genre with a pop blend. ”Ca dit quoi” is a way of saying ”Bonjour” in French-speaking Cameroon. The video was directed by MAKCONCEPT.

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Facebook – http://www.facebook.com/djnumericasonic
twitter – @caditkoi
prosby – http://www.facebook.com/Prosbyofficiel
Booking : 0023794699150
“ca dit koi?” T-SHIRTS Available