February 19, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

FASHION: Diana Blackpearl Tambe set to unveil ”Ubber Afro Vintage Look”

Diana Tambe Blackpearl is a young Cameroonian top model and aspiring designer based in Holland . She serves as  the CEO of Africa Fashion Week Holland. Blackpearl’s dexterity, passion and potential is evident in her ability to create fashionable  Red carpet evening wears for women who want to feel girly  , Über Chic and unique. Her clothing label  “Blackpearl  Secret” shall unveil the famous ”Ubber Afro Vintage look” for men and women this summer.This collection will depict her roots and originality.

She’s determined to bring to the European and international market new designs every season!  Themed “Seasons of the Year” , her theme works to showcase fashion from all four seasons ;

-Swimsuits, shorts and tank tops for SUMMER.

-Sweatshirts, pea coats and pants for FALL.

-Coats, mittens, scarves and sweaters for WINTER.

Rain slickers, boots and short sleeve tops for SPRING!

Stay tuned !


For more photos and info please join her Facebook page: Diana Tambe Blackpearl

Twitter: @dianatambe

Quote of the day: Art is making something out of nothing and selling it!
Young & Famous Entrepreneur with CreativeMind!
Photo credits:-
 Photographer: Massi Correale

MUA: Lies Waterman

Models: John, Shilah Rottjers, Panjua Sarour, Jasper Spanjaards, 

Kailashnath Bhawanibhiek, and Zanden Eric