March 1, 2025

Nexdim Empire

Camer Entertainment House

Event: 6 pic tour of 2013 Race of Hope

The 2013 edition of the Mount Cameroon Race of Hope has come and gone, all we”re left with now are memories. Here is the event in retrospect from another angle.


Winners in the veterans” category, where Dogbima Emmanuel(waving) came first in the men”s category and Nfor Eunice did same in the women”s category.








The first three in the ladies” category. In the

middle is the first Ngwaya Yvonne, to the left is Sarah Etonge second and at the right end of the picture  is Ngalin Lysette third.








The winners in the male category. In the middle is Gabsibuin Godlove who came first, to the left is Tiku Divine second and to the right is Bongkijuin Januarius third. Don”t pay any attention to the guy in the suit, he”s just

trying to rub some star dust on himself.Lol.







The Lord Mayor of the host Buea Council Mbella Moki Charles financially celebrating Sarah Etonge who came in second.” Monsieur le Maire a bien parlé.”









International athlete from Japan trying to recovery, with  the help of  some “akara”, after battling it out with the Chariot of the gods.








An athlete in agony after “travelling” to the mountain on foot, in sweat and visibly in pain.